2025 Adult Reading Challenge
January 31 - March 27
(Prize Drawing on Friday, March 28 at 1pm)
Participate online:
Sign in or create an account
Click on the “Daltonopoly - Adult Reading Challenge 2025”
Click on the “Badges” tab and then click on a category to see a description and check off a book for that category.
How to earn tickets:
You will earn one ticket for each book you read. You will earn a bonus ticket for reading a book for each property of a single color. For example: Read a true crime book for Police Station and a book with “fire” in the title for Fire Station, and earn a bonus ticket for the .
Books may fit into multiple categories, BUT you can use each book only ONCE!
Books can be in the following formats:
Winning Prizes:
The more books you read, the more chances you have to win one of our Prize Baskets.
Drawing for prize winners will be on Friday, March 28 at 1pm